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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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My site/blog are undergoing renovation and should be up soon! Bare with the glitches to the current one!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thy Kingdom Come

The Lord's Prayer can be confusing. For example, what does "Thy Kingdom Come" mean? I made this video to present a 5 1/2 minute crash course on the huge concept of the "Kingdom of God."

"Everyone prays it. Now it's time to live it. Time to put God's will above our will. Time to get past our fears, give up control and get into action. God is on the move. And he's going to grow his kingdom with or without us. Are you in? This radical new 3-part series will change the way you think of the "Our Father" prayer forever. And ever. Amen."
This is the premise of Kensington Church's latest series "Thy Kingdom Come". The video was used as the opening to last weekend's service. It's my first voice-over work too!

Watch the large version of Thy Kingdom Come with full description on Vimeo.

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Kensington Video "Piecing It Together"

Jordin and I are a part of a very arts-based church, called Kensington, which we love. I had the super fun opportunity to make the intro video for the service this weekend. They're starting a new series called, "Surprise! You're a first round draft pick!" It was a pretty time-crunch project, but after a few all-nighters, I thought it turned out, and I learned a whole slew of new techniques in the process!

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Thursday, December 17, 2009


Time for a little recap! Haven't posted much since moving to Ann Arbor in the fall. We pretty much needed to put photography on hold once classes started, but a few shoots snuck in here and there. Here's the latest!

(This is us in Texas over Thanksgiving.)


Brandon and Meredith's Engagement!

We had a lot of fun with Brandon and Meredith! They're good friends of mine from New Life Church here on campus. They're really goofy, and we got some great fall colors in right before all the trees died. Keep your eye out for their wedding pictures coming this summer. We're looking forward to it!

Here's some of our faves from the shoot:

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Kelly and Eric's Wedding!

We did Kelly and Eric's wedding right before moving to Ann Arbor and classes starting. The event was at Addison Oaks and was beautiful! ... except for the rain. But right before the day ended, the clouds parted and allowed for a great little portrait shoot in the sun. We had a lot of fun and wish Kelly and Eric all the best!

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Clarkston High School Senior Pictures with Kenny

Our brother! We took Kenny out earlier this year for some "promo" stuff, but these are his REAL senior pictures. We had a really hard time picking out the pictures for the blog. He's so handsome. :)

He looks like a model.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rochester Adams Senior Pictures with Devin

This was our second time heading out to Birmingham for a shoot, and we loved it again. There's so much to shoot there! Not to mention Devin who's a natural in front of the camera. And once she and Jordin started talking, there was no stopping them! They literally laughed and talked the entire time, which made for really fun pictures!

Here are some of our favorites:

By the way, good job on Sunday Devin! After our shoot, Jordin asked her to perform in this big "Boom Boom Pow" performance at our church, and Devin jumped right in at the Rochester Adams Campus! It was really fun. (Kensington Church "Boom Boom Pow" will probably be on YouTube at some point. :)

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Rochester Adams Senior Pictures with Lauren #2!

Our second Lauren from Adams this year! This shoot had us a little scared as it rained all day. Then, just as we were about to have to reschedule, the sun came out and gave us the coolest pictures ever! We had a lot of fun playing with colors, since Lauren has amazing red hair that looks so cool with other colors.

On our way home, we watched an incredible sunset and managed to snap a few shots before it disappeared. Here are some of our favorites from the day:

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Stoney Creek High School Senior Pictures with Becky

Got a little behind during our move, but before we left, we got to meet Becky and take her downtown Rochester for her senior pictures. We had a lot of fun talking about high school theater, because Becky's been doing shows with the Rochester Summer Music Theater program, where Jordin and I first started dating! Awww. :)

Becky was really comfortable in front of the camera, and had really cool scarves! They went with everything! Here's a few of our favorites:

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