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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thy Kingdom Come

The Lord's Prayer can be confusing. For example, what does "Thy Kingdom Come" mean? I made this video to present a 5 1/2 minute crash course on the huge concept of the "Kingdom of God."

"Everyone prays it. Now it's time to live it. Time to put God's will above our will. Time to get past our fears, give up control and get into action. God is on the move. And he's going to grow his kingdom with or without us. Are you in? This radical new 3-part series will change the way you think of the "Our Father" prayer forever. And ever. Amen."
This is the premise of Kensington Church's latest series "Thy Kingdom Come". The video was used as the opening to last weekend's service. It's my first voice-over work too!

Watch the large version of Thy Kingdom Come with full description on Vimeo.

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